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Four New Communities Join ACEs Connection: June 2019

Please welcome these 4 new initiatives from FL, MA and NC to ACEs
. They are as follows:

Please find more information about each new community below. As a member, you are welcome to join any of our communities. Please reach out to the community contacts with any questions you might have.

browardBroward County (FL) ACEs Connection A network for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent and address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience. We encourage the use of this network to collaborate across sectors and find resources within South Florida communities moving to transform our community into one of hope, healing, and resilience. Community Manager@James Encinas
Building a Resilience Community in the Franklin County/North Quabbin Region (MA) Building a Resilient Community in Franklin County & the North Quabbin is devoted to providing tools, resources, and information to become a trauma-informed region to build the resilience and well-being of our children, families, individuals, neighborhoods, and communities in the most rural county of Massachusetts. Community Manager: @Debra McLaughlin

Stokes County (NC) ACEs Connection: Focusing on building community and individual resiliency by raising awareness of ACES and its public health implications, and developing strategies to increase resilience by engaging all of the county's community partners. Community Manager: @Amanda Dolinger   surrySurry County (NC) ACEs Connection Using knowledge and education regarding ACES, trauma and resiliency informed practices to build upon our communities' members' current resilience base in order to ensure a resilient future for the county's establishments, economy, and people. Community Manager: @Amanda Dolinger 

ACEs Connection Communities 
Here's a link all of the communities on ACEs Connection. Please reach out to your regional Community Facilitators (see the end of the post) if you have questions about starting or growing an initiative with ACEs Connection. 

Also, please remember we have a learning community for our community champions, facilitators, and managers as well.  

ACCMACEs Connection Community Champions, Facilitators & Managers* Individuals who support or lead initiatives online & on-the-ground can gather here to discuss the process of starting, & growing resilient communities & exchange evidence-based practices & practice-based evidence. Questions, ideas, & resources are all welcome to this private community! Every weekday an ACEs Connection Community Facilitator is available to answer your ask-the-community questions. Community Facilitators: @Christine Cissy White@Carey Sipp,  @Dana Brown (PACEs Connection Staff) ,@Donielle Prince@Ingrid Cockhren@Karen Clemmer, and @Lara Kain

ACEs Connection Community Facilitators Support You & Your Initiatives
For questions about starting or growing an initiative, using our site and tools, please reach out to one of our regional contacts.

mspCommunities in:

For more information on mapping the movement, please go here where you'll find more about all of our ACEs Connection geographic communities, U.S. states that have done ACE surveys, ACEs and trauma-informed legislation, and more. 


Be sure to click on each tab within the shinyapp to explore each community. he map is interactive and each dot includes a hyperlink and more information about each initiative. 


Images (6)
  • Opioid
  • stokes
  • surry
  • msp
  • ac
  • broward

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