Preventing Future Harm: Concrete Action Steps to Prevent Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan – Thompson, LeBlanc, Gotch, & Berman 90 minutes (excluding the Q & A)
This following contains four presentations that build on each other to help you learn how you could take action to make safety at home, in the community, and within the institutions of society through building resilience skills.
The first presentation provides a definition of resilience based on the Centers for Disease Control. It goes into detail to discuss the common factors that research has found help people build resilience in themselves, and those who are dependent on them.
The second presentation discusses how adverse childhood experiences have been found to be the most likely cause of acts of violence in our homes and communities. Society has used the legal systems’ ability to prosecute and put people in prison as the main mechanism for reducing violence in individuals. There is a great deal of data to show that this is a failed approach. On the other hand, evidence shows that building resilience skills in individuals can decrease many different forms of aggression and violence. Specific examples for how to use building resilience skills to decrease the likelihood that an individual will be revictimized or will victim another will be presented. Programs for building resilience to cost money and no one wants to spend tax dollars on programs that won’t be effective in reducing violence.
The third presentation will discuss the differences between effective and ineffective public policies. It will then go on to discuss a variety of public policies that have shown effectiveness in reducing violence.
The final presentation will discuss public policies that can build resilience at the level of larger and larger relationships. Specific examples for parent-child relationships, a variety of family relationships, the relationship between the family and the community, and the relationship between communities and the institutions of society. For example, the parent-child relationship is safer when at-risk parents gain free parenting support through home visits using the Nurse-Family Partnership. The relationships between communities and the judicial system are safer when police officers learn to recognize the warning signs of violence, anxiety, depression, & drug addiction and how to talk to children, teens, and adults who are showing these warning signs with respect and kindness so that the likelihood of violence erupted is reduced.
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Four Individual Presentations From Webinar
How Can We Be Resilient Even When Exposed to Traumatic Events - Machelle Madison Thompson (25 minutes)
This presentation helps you understand the concept of resilience and how learning strategies that enhance resilience can support people in achieving life success. Those who have been helped to developed certain protective factors are less likely to engage in violence. Those who have been exposed to violence and trauma can be helped to resume a pathway for reaching their full potential via enhancing these factors that support positive development.
Teaching Resilient Skills is Key to Ending Current Suffering & Preventing Violence - Stacie LeBlanc (24 minutes)
This presentation will help you understand that violence is not inherent in an individual. It is a learned response to traumatic events that can’t be prevented by prosecuting people and putting them in prison. Effective strategies society can take would focus on building resilience skills. Many concrete strategies for building resilience at the individual level are provided.
Take Power, Reduce Pain Thru Increasing Legislation that Understands Violence & Trauma - Katie Gotch (21 minutes)
This presentation describes what makes effective public policies for addressing violence and trauma-producing events in our current society. This includes that effective policy must be built on scientific evidence that shows what works in helping people and community copes with the past and move forward rather than be re-traumatized.
Help Your Relationships, Your Family & Society Be Mentally Healthy, Loving, & Strong - Pearl Berman (27 minutes)
This presentation covers public policies that can be used to build resilience in individuals, families, and communities. Research for more than thirty years on resilience is used to support these policies. Specific, concrete examples of initiatives that are empirically-based, and build resilience are provided.
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