We are working on a new free PDF about emotional literacy and looking for readers to give their feedback. Here is a link to the free download - 15 pages.
Here is the table of contents
Definition of Emotional Literacy
Developing Your Emotional Literacy
A Few Basic Feeling Words
What Is and Isn't Emotional Literacy
"I Messages" vs. "You Messages"
Expressing The Intensity Of Our Feelings
Miscommunicating Our Feelings
Indirect Communication
Non-verbal Communication
The Value of Naming Feelings
Making Predictions vs. Expressing Feelings
Talking Your Pain Away
Appendix A - Why It Can Be Hard to Talk About Feelings
Additional Resources
We appreciate all feedback, espcially where we have made typos!
Here is our online link to the emotional literacy section of our core components, which include respect, caring, listening, empathy, understanding. Sub sections include emotional intelligence and invalidation.
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