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Free Summit: The Trauma Mind Body Super Conference [June 29th to July 5th]


Over 90 speakers on topics about different trauma therapies, healing the freeze response, working with the cell danger response, racism, the color of fear, and more.


Additional Topics


  • Daily yoga videos
  • Inspirational healing stories
  • Guided meditations
  • Functional Medicine
  • Tips for increasing immune system resilience
  • Case study reviews
  • Filmed therapy sessions bringing theories to life




  • Nkem Ndefo (Lumos Transforms, The Resilience Toolkit)
  • Jonice Webb (Childhood Emotional Neglect)
  • Gabor Mate
  • Victor Lee Lewis (The Color of Fear)
  • Diane Heller
  • Stephen Porges (Polyvagal Theory)
  • Carolyn Myss
  • Ken Wilbur
  • Arielle Schwartz (Complex PTSD and EMDR)
  • Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing)
  • Christianne Northrup
  • James Oschman (Energy Medicine)
  • Qigong Master Mingtong Gu
  • Judith Orlaff
  • Joe Dispenza
  • Thomas Hubl (Collective and Community Trauma)
  • Havening Techniques
  • Jacob Teitelbaum (Chronic Fatigue)
  • Elisa Song
  • Irene Lyon
  • Almaas
  • Larry Heller


My name is Veronique Mead and I'm a family physician who retrained as a somatic trauma therapist. I share the science of how trauma affects risk for chronic illness on my blog and in my talk. I emphasize the new research on why it's not psychological as has long been thought.

I'll be speaking about trauma and chronic illness, talking about an important difference between stress and trauma, and describing how to support healing the freeze response (including how this can be different from healing fight and flight responses).


Register HERE

The conference is free from June 29th o July 5th with an encore July 11th and 12th.

It's also possible to buy lifetime access to all of these talks, as you'll find on the site.



As a speaker, I'll receive 50% of proceeds from any purchases.

I will be donating to Lumos Transforms, founded by Nkem Ndefo, developer of The Resilience Toolkit, who is also be speaking at this summit on the topic of racism.

Lumos Transforms is committed to providing free and low cost classes and also trains organizations to reduce stress and become trauma-informed.

Lumos Transforms is based in LA county and offers regular free webinars to learn about, access and support self-regulation during these challenging times.

You can donate directly to Lumos Transforms HERE.

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You Cannot Heal Emotional Abuse or Trauma when You are Surrounded by Emotionally Abusive Lies and Manipulation.  

Hi Marie,

Yes, we are surrounded by emotional and physical abuse and horror and trauma right now and there have been far too many lies and lack of transparency and truth. This can indeed make it unsafe to try to heal our wounds.

Yet healing our own trauma is also part of how we create change and make the world safer for all so that we can all be truly free.  

There are many ways to do this and it is different for each one of us – this conference includes approaches for working directly with stress and trauma such as is happening right now (tapping / EFT, EMDR, somatic experiencing, mindfulness, tips for helping white people work with their fear)â€Ķ. And also indirectly, such as by supporting resilience and reducing stress and finding ways to engage and cope that help us better manage our own risk, worry, distress, and possibility of becoming traumatized or further traumatized (yoga, guided meditations, functional medicine etc).

It is important to remember that through History, Public Health, including Public Health in the US, has been involved in Eugenics of the population.    

I've put a lot of comments on posts in ACEs Connection since I joined in 2013.  Sometimes I thought that maybe they needed to be deleted.  Sometimes I thought maybe I was just a little too aggressive.     The comment that was just deleted.... I had absolutely no fear or feeling or thought that it was wrong or inappropriate or aggressive.  I agree with the spirit of it totally and I know that this is a spiritual war.  We cannot recover from Emotional Abuse when we are actively being Emotionally Abused.  

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