You can have all the limits and rules in the word, but without nurturance or relationship your child will rebel to your face or behind your back. And during the COVID-19 crisis, this risk increases as our stress level skyrockets.
As a result , we tend to go strong on lecturing and limits. And our nurturance with our child or teenager can get put on hold or not attended to as needed.
In this live interview with Sarah, a single parent mom, I discuss concrete and practical tools to parent with both love and limits at the same time and how to best do this in times of crisis.
Date: Thursday, April 9, 2020
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time
Cost: Free
To register: Click Here
In this talk you will learn:
1- Why a balance of love and limits is so needed
2- Using your child's love language as a road map to nurturance
3- Concrete plan examples of how to balance love and limits in times of crisis
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