Traditional talk therapy does not always translate well to online therapy. Instead, clients need a clear roadmap with visual handouts to capture and hold their attention. Dr. Sells, Founder of the Family Trauma Institute, will share his insights and lessons learned from years of developing and refining the FST techniques that he has been using virtually with families and professionals.
Dr. Sells illustrates the breakdown of an online counseling session with a single parent mom in crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation highlights step-by-step tools to do online counseling that you can immediately use with your clients.
Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time
Cost: Free
To register: Click Here
Participants will learn:
1- Rules of thumb to do remote counseling with maximum engagement.
2- A baseline assessment using the term “situational crisis” to normalize this pandemic.
3- How to use strength-based questions and scaling to begin your online session.
4- How to the FST Stress Chart technique immediately focuses your online session on to prevent a “fly by the seat of your pants” approach.
After the educational presentation, Dr. Sells will be available for Q & A.
Continuing education credit is not available for this free webinar. The video will be available on-demand for ten days to registered participants.
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