Everywhere we look we see stressed-out families. If only you could show a family how stressed they are and what was causing the stress. At the Family Trauma Institute, we’ve found that knowing is half the battle. When family members literally “see” what causes stress, they can begin taking steps to decrease stressors and move towards healing.
The FST Stress Chart serves as a pattern interrupt to disrupt the overwhelm parents, teens, couples and families feel when they come through our doors ready to blame and finger point.
Join Dr. Scott Sells to learn more about the technique that slows down or bypasses normal conflict and confrontation.
Webinar: Neutralize Family Anxiety
DATE: August 5
TIME: 12 - 1 pm EDT
Register for FREE here
When you join us for the webinar, you will watch an actual case study that demonstrates how the stress chart works and experience the benefits of integrating visual tools into your therapy sessions.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Sells questions about the stress chart.
Continuing education credit is not available for this free webinar. The recording will be available on-demand for ten days to all registered participants.
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