At the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), we've shared our bold vision to build a Culture of Health across the nation. We know that in order to build a Culture of Health, action within and across sectors is critical because progress in one area will advance progress in another. But, where do we start? What areas of action should we work toward? How should our actions connect to one another?
In From Vision to Action: Measures to Mobilize a Culture of Health, we’ve addressed those questions by designing an Action Framework intended to chart and catalyze our nation’s efforts toward building a Culture of Health.
We have worked over the past year in collaboration with the RAND Corporation to develop this Action Framework. Together we sought out valuable input from experts, partners, and colleagues across the country. The development of the Action Framework was driven by the question: “What is holding our nation back from the health that we aspire to?” What we discovered is that we as a nation are not addressing the interdependence of the many social, economic, physical, environmental, and spiritual factors of health and well-being.
[For more of this story go to]
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