This world-renowned game designer has the tools you need to regain confidence in times of chaos, visualize your future and create positive change., July 1, 2020 -- Climate change, a global pandemic, racial injustice … in the face of a society in turmoil, how can we as individuals take better control of our lives and the future?
The answer might be found in video games.
Jane McGonigal, Ph.D. and world-renowned game designer, knows the benefits of video games from personal experience.
After a severe concussion in 2009, Jane couldn’t get out of bed for months. Vertigo, nausea, memory loss, headaches and mental fog plagued her daily, so doctors told her to rest. No running, no phone, no video games, just rest. As with so many others who experience thoughts of suicide as a result of brain trauma, Jane’s mind started to tell her, “You will never get better.” And she feared for her life.
Until one day she decided, “I’m either going to kill myself or turn this into a game.”
Jane knew from her 10 years of research that humans tackle challenges in video games with comparatively more creativity, determination and optimism than we do in real life. Plus, we have an easier time asking others for help. So she made a game out of her healing process, and SuperBetter was born.
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