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Global Resiliency Accelerator to Discussing Emerging Practices in Healthcare


Dr. Warren Larkin of the UK and Becky Haas from the US will be hosting the Global Resiliency Accelerator on Monday, November 13 from 12-2 p.m. EST.  This session will focus on Trauma Informed Healthcare practices in both the UK and US.  Presenters Include: Alistair Christie and Kelly Laycock from the UK and Sarah Seldon from the US.

Alistair is the BLOSM Service Lead at the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trauma (CHFT).  Since qualifying as a nurse in 2016, he has worked within the Emergency Departments at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.  He has always been passionate about improving the way service supports service users accessing services who have complex social presentations. Working alongside community colleagues he has supported the development of the CHFT High Intensity User Service, identifying people regularly attending the Emergency Department and working closely with community services to provide appropriate support. Over the last 12 months he has led the development and implementation of the BLOSM service across CHFT. Alistair will be speaking on CHFT BLOSM service which has been funded through the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership. Our service has been developed to introduce a trauma informed approach to emergency care across CHFT. Our focus is identifying the impact of trauma on our population and offering a multi-agency response to improve outcomes for service users and reduce demand on acute services.

Kelly Laycock

Kelly graduated Leeds Metropolitan University with a Ba Hons in Sociology in 2004 and the following year began work with the then West Yorkshire Police Authority, undertaking various roles across Business and Administration, Engagement and finally Statutory Partnerships and Delivery. During 2014 – 2016, Kelly acted as the Domestic Abuse/Violence lead within the OPCC, establishing the ongoing West Yorkshire Domestic and Sexual Abuse Board and worked with partners to commission a West Yorkshire Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Program. Having supported the early implementation of the VRU, Kelly was seconded into the Unit as a Program Delivery Manager in November 2019, having specific responsibility for the West Yorkshire wide portfolio of interventions. Following a promotion opportunity in 2020, Kelly was successful in becoming a Senior Program Delivery Manager. Since then, she has worked closely with colleagues from the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership on the A&E program and more recently as co-lead for the West Yorkshire Adversity Trauma and Resilience program. Within the VRU Kelly works across a number of other priority areas such as Education Inclusion, Criminal Justice and Violence against Women and Girls.

Sarah Sebton

Representing trauma informed healthcare practices in the US will be Sarah Sebton, Director of Trauma Informed Care at University Health in San Antonio, Texas, Sarah earned her Master's of Public Health and Master of Public Administration from New York University (NYU) in 2017. Sarah has worked for many nonprofit and government entities in her career, including The Health Federation of Philadelphia, Smile Train, Mount Sinai Health System, and the Travis County Healthcare District. Sarah also served as a Public Health and Wellness Officer in the Texas State Guard for over 4 years. In January 2020, Sarah joined University Health as the Director of Trauma-Informed Care, leading the health system's internal transformation to become a trauma-informed organization. In her presentation Sarah will be sharing about this journey for University Health.

Registration is required and seating is limited.  To register: The Global Resiliency Accelerator Tickets, Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite


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