"On Tuesday, December 18, MHAC's Don Mares joined Governor John Hickenlooper at the capitol for the Governor's announcement of $18.5 million in new funding for mental health systems in Colorado in his 2013 budget. The budget request would expand the capacity of the state's Division of Behavioral Health, establish a statewide crisis response hotline and crisis centers throughout the state, and expand the use of trauma-informed models of care in Colorado. Don thanked the Governor for choosing to take action and request the funds, and expressed his hopes that this will mark the beginning of a new chapter for Colorado's approach to mental health.
"Here are the specifics of the Governor's budget proposal....
Build a trauma-informed culture of care ($1,391,865 budget request).
- Develop peer support specialist positions in the state’s mental health hospitals.
- Provide de-escalation rooms at each of the state’s mental health hospitals.
- Develop a consolidated mental health/substance abuse data system...."
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