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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Research Opportunity

Dear Colleague,

My name is Bradford Stucki and I am a doctoral candidate at Virginia Tech. I am conducting a research study for my dissertation that explores the process grandparents raising a grandchild with a history of adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, (abuse, neglect, household challenges such as substance use, parent being in jail, domestic violence, family member mental health condition, etc.) experience as they identify personal and grandchild needs, and seek and then use formal/professional, services.

The purpose of this research is to better understand both contextual factors around the service seeking and service delivery process for grandparents raising a grandchild with an ACE history. Study was reviewed by Virginia Tech HRPP (IRB 20-444). Participant confidentiality will be protected, except for any comments made that require mandated reporting.

Grandparents who participate in the study will sign a consent form and then complete a 19-minute survey asking about demographic information for the grandparent and the grandchild. The survey will also ask about the types of formal services the grandparent and grandchild have received in the past as well as information about what services they are currently receiving. After the survey, I will contact grandparents and have an 60-90-minute audio-recorded phone interview.

Grandparents qualify for this research if they are:

  • Currently raising (e.g., providing basic needs, parenting, full-time care) to at least one grandchild under the age of 18
  • Over age 18
  • Raising a grandchild with at least one past ACE
  • Living in a home without the grandchild’s parents present
  • Live in a county or city that is part of Southwest Virginia
  • Raising a grandchild who currently receives or who has received professional services in Southwest Virginia
  • Willing to complete a 19-minute survey and do an audio-recorded phone interview

Participants will be compensated with a $20 Amazon gift card via email or text message for their time and effort upon completing the survey and interview about their experience seeking professional services for their grandchild.

Please share this study information with grandparents raising a grandchild with an ACE history with whom you may work or know and with your colleagues. A study flyer is attached for your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me by email at or by phone at 540-358-0064.


Bradford Stucki, M.MFT

Doctoral Candidate in Marriage and Family Therapy

Primary Researcher

Virginia Tech


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