"With the four-year grant, Akron Children’s becomes a member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), whose mission is to improve the quality, effectiveness, and availability of services for children and families who experience traumatic events. Community surveys suggest that by their 16th birthday, 67 percent of American children are exposed to at least one significant traumatic event...."
“Tragic shootings in Copley, Chardon and now Connecticut reinforce the importance of trauma training for teachers, doctors, nurses, and others who work with children,” said Norm Christopher, MD, chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Akron Children’s and the author of numerous studies on childhood trauma. “And it’s not just these headline-generating tragedies that can have lasting effect on families and communities. This grant will also enable us to deliver age-appropriate and research-based responses to the death of a high school student, the chronic illness of a sibling, or domestic violence as they can be equally devastating for loved ones.”...
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