Hundreds of data points flashed across the projector screen, but two that caught the attention of a domestic violence prevention specialist during the State of the Child presentation spoke to economic disparity that exists in Bartholomew County.
Amy Schnapp-Brunnemer said she was surprised that while the county’s per capita personal income of $47,386 as of 2016 exceeded the state average by more than $4,000, which ranked it seventh, more than one-third of local public school students qualified for free or reduced lunches, according to Indiana Youth Institute data.
Among the state’s 92 counties, Bartholomew in 2016 had the 31st-lowest percentage of public-school students eligible for free or reduced school lunches at 36.1 percent. Scott County held the distriction of having Indiana’s highest rate of lunch assistance at 63.4 percent, while Hamilton was lowest at 11.7 percent.
[For more on this story by Kirk Johannesen, go to]
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