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Three Reasons to Start a Community Site on PACEs Connection

Attached find a handout about reasons to start an PACEs Connection Community site. You can print and share with community members (see attached).

If you want to learn more or get started contact any of us at PACEs Connection or send an email to

Grow Your Resilient Community:
Start a Community Site on PACEs Connection

Build the capacity of your city, town, region, state or nation to prevent and heal trauma and build resilience by establishing a community site on, a social network for the PACEs movement.

Free access to tools, guidelines, resources, research, and innovations.
Use guidelines developed by PACEs Connection — from watching and working with dozens of  communities over nine years — to develop growth and outreach strategies to build cross-sector collaboration in your community. Take advantage of the network’s resources, including Power Points, handouts, articles and communications tools.

Adopt and adapt innovative practices and policies from other communities to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on PACEs science in your community’s citizens, organizations, and systems across sectors and demographics, including schools, hospitals, courts, police, parents, youth, health departments, businesses, etc.

Gather local data with PACEs Connection’s tools, a critical part of showing community progress.
With PACEs Connection’s tracking and mapping tools, you can build momentum for change in your community by tracking, measuring, analyzing and sharing your progress with the entire community.

Track outreach activities by sector as you map organizations that have received PACEs science 101 presentations.

Track organizations that are implementing practices based on PACEs science.

Measure outcomes of trauma-informed and resilience-building activities based on PACEs science by sector.  

Join an international movement of communities that are growing PACEs initiatives.
Connect with local, national and international leaders in the PACEs movement.

Share your community’s successes with the entire PACEs Connection network.

Keep abreast of major developments in the PACEs movement, and in different sectors and communities.

Find and connect with communities similar to your own to share best practices and how-tos.

Others who have started a community on say:

“For every post you put out there, you'll never know how many you have likely inspired by your story! It could be because you offered a tool or strategy they hadn't heard about, or you painted a ‘champion's’ face in a way they recognized….Or maybe you helped connect a sector to another sector that wouldn't have ‘thought’ to make that link. Be inspired by your own inspiration and share the stories — because with this information comes the responsibility to use it and help others use it!” — Teri Barilla, Walla Walla Valley (WA) ACEs Connection

“It has been surprisingly easy to start the ‘ACEs Task Force of San Bernardino County’ community on ACEs Connection. I remember sending out invitations for our first meeting and not knowing whether anyone would actually show up. Not only did they show up, but they came back and brought colleagues!” — Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell, ACEs Task Force of San Bernardino County

“Community Tracker was a much needed tool in our journey to build a regional Trauma Informed System of Care. The capabilities to pinpoint locations of organizations that received training, the type of services they provide, and then map their progress in implementing trauma concepts has provided us a much needed framework for recognizing gaps in our outreach. Becoming trauma informed as a community is not a destination but a journey and Community Tracker allows you to create a road map for what this journey looks like.” — Becky Haas, Trauma Informed Administrator, Ballad Health, and former director, Community Crime Prevention Programs, Johnson City (TN) Police Department


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