A state program to provide a permanent means for women military veterans living in Texas to receive health and parental benefits is advancing in the House and Senate.
If the legislation is eventually approved and signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott, the measure would be the first such program geared strictly to the specific needs of women who served in the U.S. armed services and transitioning back to civilian life.
“By making it statutory program, when we go out in the state and advocate for women veterans, it give us a little bit of street credibility,” Edith Disler, manager of the current Women Veterans Initiative, a program with the Texas Veterans Commission to raise awareness and help women obtain benefits.
The need for the statuatory program has it roots in Texas’ long ties with the U.S. military, with major installations in San Antonio, El Paso, Killeen, Corpus Christi and other Lone Star cities.
[For more of this story, written by Nicole Cobler, go to http://www.expressnews.com/new...need-for-6244336.php]
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