The author, Antony Chiang, is the president of the Empire Health Foundation.
"In the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting tragedy, and the president’s response, many communities are hotly debating gun control, mental health and school safety. These are all extremely important topics, but a critical root cause issue has not received enough attention: Adverse Childhood Experiences (“ACEs”) and trauma during childhood brain development....
"In other words, compelling research demonstrates that traumatic experiences, especially during childhood while the brain is forming and developing, have a profound impact on a huge range of outcomes we care about....
"If we work together across sectors to create sustainable systems change, we can improve our community in powerful ways. Spokane organizations such as the SPO-CAN Council, Spokane Regional Health District, WSU Area Health Education Center, Spokane Public Schools, Priority Spokane, United Way and the School Community Partnership, among others, have been working hard to call for a dialogue about how to integrate trauma-informed brain science into our collective work. The effort continues to gain momentum...."
Note Empire Health's strategic plan here:
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