For you who have been traumatized, Bessel van der Kolk is my HERO… He knows psychological trauma… This may not be the most important post presented but he has a new book coming out "The body keeps the score".
It has already been reviewed by Dr. Felitti (Don't have that link right now but will get it, Ruth Lanius, Sandy McFarlaine, Judith Herman, and so many others in the psychological Field ….. I have been trying to keep lips shut and since I cannot find their EXCELLENT reviews … my lips are sealed until i find them …. this is a must have book and i thank the lord every day that I found the works of Judith Herman and Bessel van der Kolk…..Don't know what else I could say!!! The body keeps the score was supposed to be out originally in June but it has been now set for September,,, Keep an eye out… I know with the reviews I have seen by the most influential experts in the field (and he has a paper from 1989 so he has been considering this for some time) and what I have watched from the Boston Trauma Conferences…. This is a pivotal book that will hopefully get DTD in the DSM (so folks abused as children don't have to suffer from 15 diagnoses ---- and they get real appropriate tx….Thanks…..To …..All…….
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