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Happy Earth Day! (And Op Ed - Coming Full Circle for Earth Day - Uniting to End Poverty, Racism, Militarism, Ecological Devastation - The Davis Enterprise)

Comments:  I read the following Op Ed in my local paper (the Davis Enterprise) this morning about Earth Day, honoring leaders who spent their life working to end poverty, racism, militarism, ecological devastation and calls on us  to join the Poor People's Campaign.  The aim of the campaign is to build a fusion movement. Acknowledging the validity of the many issues and “silos” we are each committed to, they are calling people to act together to build a people-centered, transformative movement for systemic change and to fully realize economic, environmental and social justice based on civil and human rights, and on recognizing the rights of nature.

My colleague Carey Sipp has mentioned this campaign to me and in reading this article I see the power and hope for the campaign and I hope that the Campaign organizers embed ACEs science and a trauma-informed lens into the campaign. 

I encourage you to read the entire Op Ed HERE

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Thank you, Gail and Carey - I'd not heard of this but have signed and will help spread the word. And I wholeheartedly agree with you statement, Gail, "I hope that the Campaign organizers embed ACEs science and a trauma-informed lens into the campaign."


Dana Brown posted:

Thank you, Gail, for sharing this Op Ed. And thank you, Carey, for raising awareness of the Poor People's Campaign.

I've signed up for the pledge and look forward to aligning with humanity "to build a people-centered, transformative movement for systemic change and to fully realize economic, environmental and social justice based on civil and human rights, and on recognizing the rights of nature."

Love you Dana Brown.

The Rev. Dr. Barber and his campaign are amazing. He is a visionary. Global warming is inequitable. It terrorizes poor people. Poor people are more likely to live in flood zones. I love that the Rev. Dr. Barber is so wholistic in his view. We are all one. We are all connected. All actions have consequences. I love ACEs and Resilience sciences and how we help bring this into view!



Last edited by Carey Sipp

Thank you, Gail, for sharing this Op Ed. And thank you, Carey, for raising awareness of the Poor People's Campaign.

I've signed up for the pledge and look forward to aligning with humanity "to build a people-centered, transformative movement for systemic change and to fully realize economic, environmental and social justice based on civil and human rights, and on recognizing the rights of nature."

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