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Harrison & Jackson Counties Lead State in Reported Child Abuse Cases (Mississippi)

Harrison and Jackson counties lead the state in the number of reported child abuse cases in 2013, according to numbers from the state Department of Human Services.

Harrison County reported 742, with Jackson County second at 551. Both ranked ahead of Hinds County, the most populous county in the state, which reported 458, and Rankin County with 461.

The numbers indicate all law enforcement and court reports of child abuse from October 2012 to September 2013.

Cathy Barnes of the South Mississippi Child Abuse Prevention Center, or CAP Center, in Gulfport said the only correlation officials have been able to draw about why the coastal counties have such high numbers is the stress factors and economic impact of Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill.

"People don't have the money they used to have and they still have to pay their bills," Barnes said.

Hancock County reported 275 cases during the same time period.

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