Title: “Pehea nā keiki? And How Are the Children?” Responding to the needs of children impacted by parental incarceration. Tuesday, November 29, 2022 9am HST/ 2pm EST
Presenters: S. Kukunaokala Yoshimoto, Executive Director of Blueprint for Change and Ann Adalist-Estrin, director of the National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated at Rutgers University–Camden.
Participants will gain information to understand families impacted by the criminal justice system. The National narrative has shifted over 5 years and there are many new and innovative initiatives in programs, policy and practice. Elements of that shift connects with ACEs, trauma and toxic stress, and social determinants of health. Participants will learn new ideas from the National and Hawaii perspectives on how to best work with our population.
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Questions? Please reach out to Mai at mhall@hawaii-can.org
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