Summary at Partners For Our Children.
"In the Senate, March 28th: EDU - Majority; do pass with amendment(s)."
Sec. 1. (1) The legislature finds that:
4 (a) According to the state department of health, suicide is the
5 second leading cause of death for Washington youth between the ages of
6 ten and twenty-four. Suicide rates among Washington youth remain
7 higher than that national average;
8 (b) An increasing body of research shows an association between
9 adverse childhood experiences such as trauma, violence, or abuse, and
10 school performance. Children and teens spend a significant amount of
11 time in school. Teachers and other school staff who interact with them
12 daily are in a prime position to recognize the signs of emotional or
13 behavioral distress and make appropriate referrals. School personnel
14 need effective training to help them build the skills and confidence to
15 assist youth in seeking help;
16 (c) Educators are not necessarily trained to address significant
17 social, emotional, or behavioral issues exhibited by youth. Rather,
18 best practices guidelines suggest that school districts should form
19 partnerships with qualified health, mental health, and social services
20 agencies to provide support; ...
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