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Heal Write Now Center Open House & Monthly ACE Workshop

The Heal Write Now Center Open House is tomorrow from 1-4 p.m. in Weymouth, MA. here, we gather to create hope, health and happiness. All workshops held or hosted at the center focus on the following:
  • healing
  • creativity
  • mindfulness
More than half of us have or will experience traumatic stress. Many of us live with post-traumatic stress. All of us grieve, face loss, go through major life transitions and have emotions and experiences worthy of sharing.
Here's what is offered every month at the Heal Write Now Center:
  • Facilitated expressive writing, 4-Sunday sessions
  • Free-Write Friday Night 
  • Adverse Childhood Experience Workshop on the lifelong impact of childhood adversity on adult health. 

While expressive writing is therapeutic - no therapy is provided. And that's by design. For one, I'm not qualified to do so. Plus, we gather as equals. A diagnosis doesn't matter. WHO YOU ARE is what matters.

We all want to be and feel safe and real. It's a human need and yet, too often we are silent or feel too ashamed to show up as our deepest selves. Maybe we think we are a burden because we're in pain, crisis or have seen a lot of heavy or hard stuff. 

Writing allows us to tap into bliss, loss, joy and sorrow and cull the wisdom or the message from each. Writing invites us to remember that while we can't right the wrongs of the past we can write the present and shape a new future.
We are the authors of our lives. We get to narrate the now.
We get to know and tell our own real-life stories to the open page (and if we want - one another).
You don't have to consider yourself a writer or someone in recovery or healing to attend any workshop. We ALL have a story we have a "write" to tell even if only to ourselves on the open page. Doing so is good for health.
I offer and share tools which are portable and affordable, accessible and effective. That's why I host workshops by others. Award-winning author and columnist, Suzette Martinez Standring will give her Hypnotic Recall for Writers Class on Jan. 17th. A week later, on Jan. 24th, Mary Lovely and Laura Parrot Perry of Say It, Survivor will lead a workshop for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. There will be guided imagery coming too.
I hope to see your face and maybe you'll check out a class or workshop or have one you'd like to offer.
I admit I'm an introvert and better at writing and creating than marketing. I'm trying to fin way to communicate that a my passion for writing and social change has become a business. I could use some help. If you are willing to share news about my open house, workshops, website or gut-honest memoir I would appreciate it more than I can convey in an email. I also consult with and speak to organizations about the following:
  • trauma survivors as super utilizers of healthcare
  • expressive writing for wellness
  • making sure trauma-informed care is informed by trauma survivors
  • learning how to live, love and parent well even after being raised in hell 
If you know of any leads, grants, funding or initiatives related to health, writing, developmental trauma, feminism and creative healing please send them
Thank you for supporting me, my business, healing, writing and growth. I'm so humbled and grateful.
Thanks again for any help spreading the word on any of the following.
The Heal Write Now Center events:
The Heal Write Now website:
The Heal Write Now Facebook Community of over 1400:
New Heal Write Now Center Facebook page:
Why I do this Heal Write Now work at all:
A piece in Atlantic Monthly with a sliver of my story and why I opened the Center:
Article on why talk-therapy isn't enough:
Press about Heal Write Now Open House:
If you are in Mass., let me thank you in my socially awkward but sincere way with be tea, cider, coffee and bakery made cookies at the Open House. There will also be adult coloring (suitable for kids) if you want to decompress after the holiday season.
Warmly, Christine Cissy White
The author of your life is you! 

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