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Healing the Parents To Save The Next Generation

I hear the stories of trauma that my adult patients experienced when they were young and always wonder what the next generation must be going through.  I firmly believe that healing the parent will contribute to a future generation of children who will not need to experience the recurring trauma their parents and grandparents endured.  I am fortunate to be able to help my patients deal with their memories quickly and effectively so that they can live their lives without their continuing interference.

I developed a cognitive approach to healing the memories of trauma and am beginning a small study to further document its effectiveness.  The key, I found, is in addressing the memory and shifting the adult from being the victim to being the survivor, as one of my patients put it.  My patients described the experience as being able to find the door that would allow them to exit the recurring memories that plagued them all their lives.  And, amazingly, once they are able to exit the memory they are able to rebuild their lives -- this includes a reduction/elimination of drug use and reunification with families.  The longer term impact will undoubtedly be better homes for their children -- in fact, as reported in my Facebook Page:  HSI Counseling and Care Connection's most recent post, a number of my patients gave birth and/or reunited with their families this past year and have demonstrated excellent parenting skills without exposing their children to trauma in the home.   The truly amazing thing is that progress has been noted to build over time and lead to many different positive outcomes.

I would love to share this treatment with others including professional and non-professionals alike.  In addition, I would like to see if others would also benefit from this treatment -- especially individuals for whom other treatments did not work.  I want to share what I have developed so that future generations can grow to adulthood without the trauma their parents experienced.  If you or someone you know is interested, please contact me at

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