I am linking a 3 minute video created by the Community Development arm of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, that does a good job of providing a brief summary, from a business perspective, on how different sectors can work together to improve health by focusing on a range of social indicators. The video also describes a $100,000,000 Investment Fund dedicated to improving community health, within and beyond traditional healthcare.
"Your zipcode is more important than your genetic code in determining your health outcomes"
Link to video:
Website blurb:
The Healthy Communities Initiative was designed to enrich the debate on how cross-sector and place-based approaches to revitalize low-income communities might both revitalize neighborhoods and improve health. The idea is simple: those who work on making low-income communities function better (by building high-quality affordable housing, financing small businesses, and creating community assets such as charter schools, clinics, or daycare centers) should work closely with the health sector to coordinate those community-improving efforts in a way that promotes better health outcomes over the life course. The Federal Reserve System and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation created the Healthy Communities Initiative to encourage stronger linkages between the two sectors and move them forward towards a healthier future.
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