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Healthy Relationships

As we embark on a journey called life, we must remember the importance of true and honest relationships, whether intimate, professional, or platonic. Building healthy relationships is of great importance in each of our lives. I hope the relationships you build help to propel your existence toward success, happiness, and godliness. I have provided a document that shows several stages of Healthy Relationships.  Their are seven aspects to a successful relationship.
1. Respect (Creating a space of clear and mutual understanding between both parties that involve safe and expectant boundaries)
2. Accountability (Being receptive to behaviors and actions that may improve relationships, or even tear them down)
3. Safety (Having the trust and support to feel whole and in a place of serenity and comfort)
4. Trust (Creating a space that involves a companionship based upon honesty and second chances)
5. Cooperation (Creating relationships that are based upon mutual respect)
6. Honesty (Feeling open with one another to sharing in effective communication)
7. Support (Having individuals who lend a hand when needed)

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