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Healthy Relationships Matter: Building Resilience in the Face of Traumatic Experiences []


By John Soghigian, Hometown Focus, October 4, 2019

Who would have thought that prenatal and childhood trauma could lead to teen and adult depression, obesity, smoking, heart disease, cancer and other ailments throughout life? Study after study has demonstrated just that.

Such trauma can take many forms. Imagine life as a child beset by a home with a mentally ill parent, domestic violence, parental divorce or separation, substance abuse, or incarceration; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; or physical and emotional neglect.

Just over 20 years ago, these traumas were listed in a study, then identified by respondents who had experienced them. Looking at their health records, researchers were able to see links to lifelong reduced quality of life, ill health, and earlier death depending upon the number and types of experiences. Numerous studies followed involving different people from different walks of life, different cultures, different geographic areas, and even different counties. The same traumatic experiences produced the same results.

[Please click here to read more.]

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