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Heavy Kids Face Triple the Odds for Depression in Adulthood []


As if it isn't tough enough being an overweight kid, a new study shows it could have long-lasting repercussions for psychological health, too.

When compared with normal-weight kids who become overweight adults, overweight or obese youth in the study faced three times the risk of depression in adulthood, the research found.

And, that risk was more than four times greater if they were overweight or obese in both childhood and adulthood, the investigators reported.

[For more of this story, written by Karen Pallarito, go to]

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When our kiddos were younger they also experienced fat-shaming, which lead to social isolation, being picked last for teams, and aggression by their peers that often went undetected by school administrators.  Middle school was particularly difficult. My hope is that one day soon, all people, will be respected for who they are and not ostracized for their differences. 

From the article:  "I also think it's important to talk with your child and see if they're being bullied or if they're being fat-shamed at school," Zervios added. "That can obviously impact the child's well-being and mental health."

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