Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part series featuring the mentoring programs at Building Healthy Families, the local organization dedicated to providing family support programs in Wallowa County. BHF is currently in search of mentors, and in this opening piece the Chieftain speaks with Maria Weer, executive director of BHF and three of the program’s mentors about the need for mentoring and the mentoring experience.
Wallowa County Chieftain
“January is National Mentoring Month. It’s something we’ve intended to put a little more emphasis on,” said Maria Weer, executive director of Building Healthy Families.. While BHF has several mentoring programs and a number of mentors, the need for more volunteer mentors is acute.
The organization’s several mentoring programs include a mentor match teen entrepreneurship program, a one-on-one program for at-risk youth, and a reading to children’s reading program, as well as an athletic mentoring program.
“One of the things that can help kids get through tough times is a positive connection to an adult — ideally a parent, but if it’s not a parent, or someone in an addition to a parent, sometimes it’s a mentor. We have lots of mentoring opportunities,” Weer said.
[For more of this story, written by Steve Tool, go to http://www.wallowa.com/local_n.../help-wanted-mentors]
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