I am a practical person... and in ministry I am one of those that asks questions like, "Can you give me some examples?" and "How would that look in MY ministry setting?" While theoretical knowledge is helpful, and ACEs science is amazing and interesting in its own right, trauma-informed/trauma-sensitive ministry must actually APPLY that knowledge in order to help anyone.
So, as my colleague Rev. Sami Pack-Toner (chaplain, Intermountain Residential) and I prepared for the Mountain Sky Conference's Annual Conference to visit, we decided that we needed to come up with a few resources that would interpret the work we do to the local church setting. While what we came up with is in no way exhaustive in scope, it does address the most common issues I have seen in ministry.
If you see any glaring omissions or have something to add, please let me know in the comment area. Feel feel to share this with your various networks, and you have our permission as long as you do not edit it for length or content and attribute us as the authors and Intermountain as the source for the materials. Thank you.
NOTE: While ministry is my primary setting, I am very invested in trauma-informed and trauma sensitive classroom settings, as well. To that end, I have also included a handout that addresses the classroom and removes the faith-based language that may be problematic in those settings.
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