By George Stockero, The Daily Mining Gazette, January 11, 2020
What is stress? We often think of stress as a negative construct, but some stress is normal and essential. Other stress can be tolerable. Toxic stress, however, can occur as a result of strong, frequent, or long lasting events and can cross into the realm of trauma.
Trauma can actually cause impairment to brain functioning and our immune systems. When we experience trauma, our brains can divert energy from the higher level thinking and executive functioning parts and go into “fight, flight or freeze” mode. While traumatic events can be a lot for adults to sort through, it can be especially impactful on the developing brains of our children.
The Copper Country Intermediate School District and several of our local schools have been expanding their knowledge of how trauma impacts our students. Our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Team is developing a “practice profile,” that aligns local initiatives to create a description of the big ideas of trauma informed practices, and describe what implementation looks like in schools.
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