"New $3.9 million social services project to improve the well-being and safety of the youngest victims of substance abuse....
"The newly funded Penquis Regional Linking Project is a “community engaged” research project and one of the first of its kind in the nation to implement and evaluate a trauma-informed system of care for substance-exposed infants and their families....
"The principles of trauma-informed care are especially applicable when working with families struggling with substance abuse, as a large majority of these families have a history of trauma and adverse childhood experiences....
I"n the Linking Project, a specially trained “navigator” will partner with families dealing with substance abuse issues to assess their strengths and needs, build formal and informal supports, and reduce barriers to accessing resources. Services will include individualized and group prenatal and parenting education, access to substance abuse screening, and assistance with transportation....The Linking Project will enhance the partnership by collaborating with the Sanctuary Institute...."
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