"Each year, roughly half of the youth referred to Texas' juvenile justice facilities have experienced some type of trauma. These traumas can't just be swept from their psyche - they leave scars. Those invisible scars often show up in their behavior - certain "triggers" can set them off, causing severe overreactions that can be mistaken for disobedience by untrained staff in juvenile facilities. This leads to harsh and counterproductive responses, including the use of long seclusions in secure facilities, or being held in restraints - responses which often makes a kid's trauma worse....
"I want to help children avoid this cycle. That's why I introduced Senate Bill 1356 in the current legislative session. This bill, if it becomes law, will require the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and county juvenile departments to include "trauma-informed care" in their existing training programs for appropriate staff, including probation officers, detention officers, and court-supervised community-based program personnel. The training would provide specialized skill for working with juveniles who have experienced traumatic events...."
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