In response to prior discussions and MEM's question today.
I propose a forum for high ACE scoring adults looking to brainstorm, discuss, vent and share. Many of us have discussed this before and imagined possible style and formats and functions. I did mention this to Jane ahead of time. She was not opposed to it being housed/connected here or offsite and independently.
Many organizations are starting to pay attention to trauma-informed, trauma-sensitive, trauma-compassionate policies, programs and initiatives. So many are becoming aware of the ACE study, ACE scores and it's wonderful and exciting.
It could be the perfect time to have a diverse group of people with high ACE scores to speak to the lived experience and to at least be able to offer insights, thoughts, opinions and experiences on initiatives, goals and plans.
When it comes to treatment for post-traumatic stress, especially developmental trauma, there is no such advisory group of impacted people who are advocates, rate or review treatment approaches and have a united front though many of us speak individually, write, blog, speak or are involved with other advocate groups which touch on many overlapping issues.
To be discussed:
- Interest in a group
- Name of the group
- Members: What is considered a "high" ACE score? Is it the "4 or higher as that's "when things get serious" as Dr. Filetti said in one of the videos on You Tube or the 6 or higher number that is associated with the 19 years early mortality? And what about the added ACES since the original 10?
- Function of Group: White paper policy style? Peer support? Ratings and reviews of treatments, policies and protocols and how impactful, effective or on target we view them as?
- Resource Building When Prevention is Too Late (we've talked about book lists and therapies or healing modalities that have/haven't worked personally)
I could give 1.5 hours twice a month to have conference calls/working meetings to keep moving a plan or initiative ahead if we agree this should happen. It would be nice to collect some of the information sharing we've done online and privately in emails, dialogues, that are from those with lived experiences.
Of course, many of us work in fields where we can or do bring ACE awareness with us and work to implement what we know and have learned through research or personally. Some of us are "out" about it and some aren't or are in some places and not in others. An advisory group might allow us a united voice without necessarily having everyone use full names if professionally or personally uncomfortable doing so.
I'm opening up the discussion which can be moved off line as well for privacy as well as to Facebook where there are private groups (post content can't be seen) or secret groups (membership can't be seen).
I'm a single mom and find without meetings and structure and collaboration it's hard to get stuff out of the idea stage. At least I know that is true for myself!
Let me know what you all think.
And perhaps we could have a conference call once a week maybe at 7:00 p.m. Eastern every other Weds?
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