Today, over 90% of Oklahoma City Public School students qualify for free lunch and the numbers of students living in deep poverty is rising. These students are overwhelmed by trauma and lack resources that traditional classroom constructs are often unable to meet.
With High Structure – High Love™ training, schools can create character-rich classrooms that teach both the cognitive and non-cognitive skills that allow all students to thrive.
This two-hour training will explain the educational philosophy High Structure – High Love™ as it is used at Positive Tomorrows, Oklahoma’s only elementary school specifically serving homeless children.
After attending this training, participants will:
• Develop a deeper understanding of the daily struggles students living in deep poverty face
• Develop a new standard of school culture and climate that highlights routine and support
• Leave with classroom and school-wide strategies to help staff better serve students living in deep poverty
To schedule your training today, contact Positive Tomorrows at or (405) 556-5082.
About the Presenter:
Amy Brewer is the Director of Education at
Positive Tomorrows. She taught in the public
school system for eleven years and currently
holds certifications in Early Childhood Education,
Elementary Education, and Mild to Moderate
Disabilities. She serves on the Federal Reserve’s
Economic Advisory Council as a poverty expert.
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