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How A Woman's 'True Crime' Addiction Helped Her Work Through A Traumatic Past []


[ Photo by Joyce Ravid]

Author Kathryn Harrison's new book of essays is about her own family. She talks to Rachel Martin about coming to terms with one of the worst crimes that happened to her, perpetrated by her own father.


And I'm going to say right up front that the next conversation we're going to bring you is really intense, and some of you may find parts of it disturbing. I spoke with the writer Kathryn Harrison recently. She has written 15 books - biographies, novels, essays - but her most groundbreaking book is the memoir she wrote back in 1997 called "The Kiss." That is a startling account of the affair she had with her estranged father when she was 20 years old.

And while the experience affected her in unimaginable ways, she went on to an acclaimed literary career, and she built a full life for herself. She has a loving husband and three kids. Her collection of essays explores those other dimensions of her life. It's a new collection called "True Crimes: A Family Album."

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