Emotions ran high last month during the final episode of the popular NBC series "Parenthood." The series, centered around the Braverman family, brought honest conversations about depression, substance use, mental health, aging, cancer and other difficult topics into viewers' homes and lives.
Through its dynamic writing, "Parenthood" has taken an active approach to mental wellness: a family-support approach. For millions of viewers, the show raised mental health awareness and showed that people can recover from such situations and live happy, productive lives. Because of its accuracy and genuine style of depicting mental illness and substance use recovery, "Parenthood" has won five PRISM Awards from the Entertainment Industries Council, including to stars Craig T. Nelson, Peter Krause, Monica Potter and Max Burkholder, who won for his role as a child growing up with Asperger's syndrome.
Recently, several of the stars sat down to talk to EIC about the positive power of media and how it can be a tool for change, to inform viewers and elevate conversation around difficult topics, like mental health, cancer, aging and substance use.
[For more of this story, written by Brian Dyak, go to http://www.livescience.com/497...l-health-stigma.html]
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