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How TIC Measurement Drives TIC Change


Organizations often see measurement and program evaluation as a luxury or something extra to do - they'll do it if they have extra cash or if it's required by a grant or a change package they purchase. It’s viewed as something that will tell them at the end whether the intervention moved the needle.

What they fail to recognize is that the process of measurement is an intervention in and of itself and it can drive the change process...

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We modified the ARTIC slightly to use with our Student Life group at Wilmington University. Very valuable tool! Gave us a baseline on where they were and we could adjust our training accordingly!

Truth! That is why our model for communities is to educate, aggregate (measure with whom and where education is shared so we don’t leave out anybody!) engage people in the education, activate them into service where they will find work to be done that brings meaning and joy, and celebrate the efforts! Rinse. Repeat over and over and share the successes on the free community website set up with the help of ACEs Connection. It’s a model for repeating nationwide, worldwide, that will lead is to creating a tipping point of healing-centered communities. Self-healing, healing centered communities.  Measuring constantly shows where work is working, so it can be replicated, and where we need some help. Involving all sectors in the community — and all ages, races, faith communities, LGBTQ+ and more —strengthens the efforts and the individuals.

“Success” - a happier, healthier, more prosperous community with equity and justice for all means we are PREVENTING adverse childhood experiences, which will ultimately lower costs of healthcare, mental healthcare, incarceration, unemployment.

This is the cycle we need to be replicating: one that measures the health and well-being of our people as the measure of our success. Not the GDP or the stock market.

If our people are happy and healthy (which they are, for the most part, NOT right now, though it is getting better) we will be a rich and prosperous nation.

All people first.

Thanks, Steve, for your work.

Carey Sipp

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