This simple yet effective form of deep breathing defuses the stress feedback loop and teaches your brain and body to relax.
A great many individuals are disconnected from the sensations and feedback from their bodies. This absence of body awareness may be a result of life experience, such as trauma, or of living in a culture that has embraced a medical model in which body and mind are divided rather than being considered holistically.
Two things to keep in mind when practicing intentional breathing
- First, this is a practice. It may feel strange, awkward, or difficult. That is to be expected when trying something that you’ve never attempted before. Be kind with yourself and see this as an exploration rather than something to be immediately mastered.
- Second, and more importantly, if for any reason you feel really uncomfortable or this doesn’t feel right to you, it is perfectly okay to take a break or discontinue the exercise and try again another time.
To read more of B Grace Bullock, PhD's article, please click here.
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