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How to Help the Growing Female Prison Population []



Orange Is the New Black, the popular Netflix show based on the memoir by Piper Kerman, brought female prisons into America’s living room, highlighting several issues that are plaguing the correctional system.

While the show exaggerates some of the illegal activities that happen in a prison, it accurately depicts how security personnel can exacerbate the problems that led to incarceration in the first place, thereby increasing the rate of recidivism rather than recovery.

The narrative is fascinating from a social sciences standpoint because of the bonds between the characters. From Piper to Red to Gloria, they are all searching for ways to recover from trauma or psychological impediments while simultaneously learning to trust (or mistrust) security personnel. This highlights a key component in rehabilitation: building relationships.

More women are serving time in the United States than ever before and incarceration in the women’s prison system is growing at a rate faster than it is in the men’s system. From 1980 to 2010, the number of female prisoners increased from 15,118 to 112,797, according to The Sentencing Project. From 2010 to 2013 the population grew another 10.9 percent.


[For more of this story, written by Mary Ellen Mastrorilli, go to http://blogs.scientificamerica...e-prison-population/]


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  • Julia_Tutwiler_Prison_Wetumpka_Alabama

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And the first child abuse laws in America came from the work of the ASPCA (American society for the prevention of cruelty to animals). When will this so called "correctional" system learn it corrects nothing, creates more violence and harms all of society?

When will Americans rise up with wisdom and say "enough".  We are better than this. We will stop re-traumatizing children, adults and realize that we must protect kids from abuse and neglect? That is the way to become safe, peaceful and loving. Dear God please show us your kindness and generosity by helping us to know your wisdom and to wake up and move through the fog of Ignorance to Enlightenment. Amen.
Last edited by Former Member

"The Quality of Civilization, in any society, can be judged by entering its Prisons." (I don't immediately recall who said this, or I would credit them by name.) After reading most of this post, I found myself weeping, for a few moments. I have seen the cages, ... and "Humane Societies" treat Animals better.

America needs EMDR, ECT, major CBT a 12 step program and Neurofeedback along with some zyprexa, depakote and tegratol when she thinks she can warehouse people she doesn't want to know exist.... People who were once kids, her kids... The kids who were beaten, burned, mutilated by unloving parents (take those folks out of the mix and there'd be few in prison). We warehouse in tiny cages people we do not want to see those whom we created. Shame on us all!

I have a friend who was adopted as an infant. His adoptive dad thought he would never be able to have kids but after the adoption his wife became pregnant. That dad had a really mean dad himself and a high ACE score and was an alcoholic and he had been drafted into Vietnam. Mr. P brutalized his adoptive son (though Brad even admits he doesn't believe it was anything like what happened to me--- causing trouble was scared out of me). Brad made a really dumb mistake but he is horribly traumatized from suffering loss of his biological mother through adoption and years of physical and emotional abuse, a mentally ill alcoholic adoptive father that would beat his wife in front of the kids so she would leave to go to hotels...he was also sick w/lung problems and had multiple admits for failure to thrive and respiratory symptoms ...

His dumb mistake was non-violent but on April 2nd he was given 3-4 years in a Michigan State prison. I can guarantee if he comes out alive, he still won't be violent that just isn't him but he will likely kill himself the first chance he gets... I am serious ...Brad is an adult but we do this to children, many of them every day, and it makes me so nauseated and I feel massive anxiety... I know they are being abused and that's not rehabilitation... AND rehibilation is the wrong approach anyway... These kids and adults need trauma therapy and safety to come out of these systems as productive people generally... NOT more 'bad-ass' coercive control.... That is the problem in the first place... Call me soft on crime.... I am intelligent....Our souls are Sick, we are obsessed w/retribution an eye for an eye "which only makes the whole world blind" and God is pretty Angry at our Massive Ignorance.
Last edited by Former Member
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