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How to: Post a video from YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

This how-to provides information on posting a video into the video section, as well as how to post a video into a blog post. 


First, how to post in the main video section on ACEsConnection:

  1. Mouse over Media in the upper navigation bar, and click on Video
  2. On the video page, look in the upper right and click on the Add Clips button.
  3. On the Media Upload page, click on the greyed-out box at the top that says Add External Video.
  4. Then click on the words that appear beneath the boxes: Add External Video.
  5. Copy the embed code from the YouTube, Vimeo or other source on the web. (You can usually find the embed code when you click on the video's Share button. Note: not all organizations provide source code that's compatible with posting here.)
  6. Paste it into the large box labeled Embed Code.
  7. Type in a title in the box labeled Title (you can copy and paste the name of the video from the web), and in parenthesis, add how long it is, e.g. (3 min) or (60 min).
  8. Type in a short caption in the box labeled Caption (just a couple of sentences -- there's a character limit).
  9. Then click on Submit Now.

And you're all done!


To post a video in a group, follow the same directions as above, but note that in groups, Media, in the first step, is called Clips.


How to post a video into a blog post. 

  1. Mouse over Blog in the upper navigation bar, and click on Create New Post.
  2. Type in a headline in the Title box.
  3. In the Body box, write some introductory text (a sentence or two, so that the video will be visible when you publish the blog post).
  4. Then, find the little film strip icon in the icons at the top of the Body box (when you mouse over it, the text "Insert/Edit Embedded Media" appears.
  5. In the dialogue box that opens, click on the Source tab at the top.  
  6. Copy the embed code from the YouTube, Vimeo or other source on the web. (You can usually find the embed code when you click on the video's Share button. Note: not all organizations provide source code that's compatible with posting here.)
  7. Paste it into the large Source box.
  8. At the bottom, click on Insert. A large yellow square will appear in the blog post. That's the video, and it will appear as a video when you click on Publish at the bottom of the Body box. You can type more text below the square, if you like.
  9. Scroll to the bottom, and click on Publish.


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