When my son was five weeks old, he began to turn away from my breast even when hungry. He’d suck, then cry sharply, and twist away. I called the office of the pediatrician I’d chosen while pregnant, but she had no free appointments, so I saw another doctor in the practice instead. I’ll call him Dr. Jones. He examined my son, told me he had “gas pains,” and asked me, “Are you feeling anxious about being a good mom?”
The next day my son seemed better. Was I overly anxious, I asked myself? Then my son projectile vomited across the bedroom. I strapped him in his car seat and headed back to the doctor. Dr. Jones asked his nurse to take me aside for a “mom heart-to-heart.” Being a new mom is anxiety-inducing, the nurse said, adding, “What are you doing for you?” I burst into tears. They must have thought I was a postpartum hormonal time bomb.
[For more of this story, written by Donna Jackson Nakazawa, go to http://content.healthaffairs.o...ontent/36/4/764.full]
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