By Kristin Pauker, Stephanie Irby Coard, Lisa Kiang, et al., Photo: from article Greater Good Magazine, August 16, 2023
At EmbraceRace, we believe that creating a society marked by authentic multiracial belonging must begin in our homes, schools, and communities with our children’s hearts and minds.
In our report Reflections on Children’s Racial Learning, we begin to chronicle the emergence of a field of learning and practice centered on children’s racial learning—how and what children learn about race, including but not limited to the deliberate efforts of adults to teach children about race (i.e., racial socialization).
“Children will ‘naturally’ grow up to be non-racist adults only when they live in a non-racist society,” writes educator Louise Derman-Sparks and her colleagues. “Until then, adults must guide children’s anti-racist development.” We have far to go before the U.S. can be considered a “non-racist society.” Centuries after our founding, U.S. family, community, and institutional life remain awash with racial biases, anxieties, and resentments.
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