"Energy held in immobility can be transformed ... contrary to popular belief, trauma can be healed -- in many cases without long hours of therapy; without the painful reliving of memories, and without a continuing reliance on medication." -- Peter Levine, Waking the Tiger
As a survivor of sexual violence, I never imagined the years of disconnect I would feel from my own body. I wasn't prepared for the way my past experiences of trauma would sneak up on me and manifest in various areas of my skin where painful memories still existed.
Sometimes, triggers would brew and create sensations in my limbs, leaving me with a heavy heart and frustration as I looked to bottles of medication or sat in anxiousness at the thought of having to explain these somatic feelings in talk therapy.
I quickly learned that what I needed was something tangible. I needed access to something that allowed me to feel like I could use my body to regain power and control. Yoga entered my life at a time when nothing else made sense.
Yoga became an integral part of my healing journey. I finally had an outlet to process the unsafe feelings that were residing inside of me. I had the choice to move my body in ways that felt comfortable. I gained tools to manage painful experiences. I felt lighter, more grounded, and balanced, and I had a form of self-expression that allowed me to move beyond trying to find the words to articulate what I was feeling.
I finally had control.
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