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Hugged App - creating digital tools for people with ACEs

I am starting a project with the aim of developing two products, an app and companion website, for people who've experienced ACEs.

The purpose of the products is to support people living their lives as positively and fruitfully as possible by enabling them to work with alleviating the effects of their ACEs on a continuous basis.

The products are currently named "Hugged," as I believe that compassion and loving-kindness towards oneself can be a bearer of personal development throughout life.

I think that deciding to work with one's ACEs is an act of self-compassion, and the products should help turn that act into sustainable habits and patterns.

My wish is to design the products in a way that they can become life-long companions for people, with the long-term, privacy, and data portability in mind.

It is my aim that the products will support both personal and interrelational tools and interventions. Initially, my focus will be on developing personal tools and interventions, and then later on interrelational ones.

I am (currently) not a trained psychologist or social worker (however, I recently began studying social psychology), and I am actively seeking to collaborate with professionals, institutions of higher education, and, of course, people with experience with ACEs to inform and test the design of the products.

In the coming weeks, I'll begin posting more details about the products, and in the meantime feel free to reach out to me in case you have an interest in the project.


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Thomas Peter Berntsen posted:
Shannon Farley posted:

I'd love to hear more about it and help in any way I can- I'm a social worker with multi-system kids who have almost all experienced ACE's.

Hi Shannon,

Thank you very much for your comment and support!

I think that your competencies and experience would definitely benefit the development of the app, and here's how: 

I am taking a design thinking-based approach, which puts much emphasis on understanding the needs of the potential users of a product before "going overboard" on the development of the product itself. This informs the process in such a way in which there should be a continuous focus on iteratively developing e.g. design sketches and prototypes that invite feedback so as to continuously validate that the product will be relevant and usable.

I would love to learn more about both how you think that such an app could benefit the kids you work with, and, if you would like it, to collaborate on the development of the app by providing thoughts, ideas, and feedback.

As I'm also developing digital tools for the professionals working with people with ACEs, I would also like to hear about any thoughts you may have on how such tools could support the work of you and your colleagues.

If you would like to, I'll share my contact details in a PM so that we can have a chat on Skype?


P.S.: You might also want to have a look at a recent post I made on Medium (, and a mind map I made a year ago outlining additional thoughts and ideas (


I just checked out your mind map and you have a lot of great ideas! You're on the right track in that I could use a  quick, digital ACE survey/ assessment, but it would also be beneficial to be able to see a timeline of those events (if that makes sense). So maybe part of the survey/ assessment would be to ask what month/ year or what age were you when that ACE took place. As a social worker, it would also be nice to be able to see client's use or progress on the app (obviously with the client's consent and/ or parent permission). I was also thinking about adding local trainings and/ or community events in order to encourage mentor relationships.  Feel free to share contact info via PM- thanks for the great work!

Nancy Glassgow posted:

Hi, Thomas

 I am very interested in what you are doing.  I am I wellness and life coach with a passion for 12 to millennial age. I have a similar idea for an app for children and teens and would love to be apart of this in any way I can help.


Hi Nancy,

Thank you very much for your support.

I think that it sounds like you will have some valuable input that could inform the design process, and I would definitely like to connect and hear your thoughts.

I'll reach out to you in a PM shortly.


Shannon Farley posted:

I'd love to hear more about it and help in any way I can- I'm a social worker with multi-system kids who have almost all experienced ACE's.

Hi Shannon,

Thank you very much for your comment and support!

I think that your competencies and experience would definitely benefit the development of the app, and here's how: 

I am taking a design thinking-based approach, which puts much emphasis on understanding the needs of the potential users of a product before "going overboard" on the development of the product itself. This informs the process in such a way in which there should be a continuous focus on iteratively developing e.g. design sketches and prototypes that invite feedback so as to continuously validate that the product will be relevant and usable.

I would love to learn more about both how you think that such an app could benefit the kids you work with, and, if you would like it, to collaborate on the development of the app by providing thoughts, ideas, and feedback.

As I'm also developing digital tools for the professionals working with people with ACEs, I would also like to hear about any thoughts you may have on how such tools could support the work of you and your colleagues.

If you would like to, I'll share my contact details in a PM so that we can have a chat on Skype?


P.S.: You might also want to have a look at a recent post I made on Medium (, and a mind map I made a year ago outlining additional thoughts and ideas (

Karen Clemmer posted:

Hi Thomas, Thank you for sharing your ideas on ACEs Connection.  I am wondering, will your app address ACEs Science as well as a way to develop social connections and support development of self-care, healing and resilience building?  Looking forward to learning more!  Karen

Hi Karen,

You are very welcome, and thanks for the comment and questions. :-)

On ACEs Science

Yes, I think that the app should present the science behind ACEs in a form that is easily accessible, and with references and links to further material (like ACEs Connection).

I think that the app itself could perhaps introduce the science behind ACEs as a combination of an introductory video, written text, and diagrams.

If the material were to be used as psychoeducational material (which would most likely be useful), the app could potentially also include some quizzes and timed digital interventions that would enable learning, and retain the knowledge, about ACEs through spaced repetition.

On developing social connections and supporting personal development

Yes, the app should support both these goals. I envision the app as a potentially life-long companion, and it should support the personal development and development of human relationships of its users.

I think this is the essence: how do we design and create human-digital systems that facilitate and enable human growth and the establishment and maintaining of meaningful social connections (instead of creating systems that harvest time and energy, like Facebook and others have been designed to).

I think that the app could also be a means to build meaningful connections, but I would probably focus more on working to digitally support the relationships that are built in real life. For instance, the app could teach the users about the concept of resilience, provide exercises for how to be more assertive, provide tools that allow its users to evaluate the quality of their relationships, and more.

In relationships, the app could add a digital medium for learning, and for exchanging compassion and support between people: between people with ACEs, between family members, in communities.

Another thing that I would like to build is an interactive (and almost real-time) geographical map of the prevalence of ACEs in communities, counties, states, and countries. The app could be one channel for providing information that would be statistically aggregated and presented in this form.

These are just some of my thoughts; I hope they have provided you with some more insight into my line of thinking for the app, and I will look forward to hearing from you again. :-)


Shannon Farley posted:

I'd love to hear more about it and help in any way I can- I'm a social worker with multi-system kids who have almost all experienced ACE's.

Hi Shannon,
Thanks for asking about how Social Workers can help!  You are in a transformative role at a critical time ... what a powerful opportunity. 
Have you had a chance to join the ACEs in Foster Care Community or the ACEs in Pediatrics Community  or for yourself, the Practicing Resilience and Self Care for Healing these are only a few of the interest based communities on this site.  On behalf of children, youth and families - thank you for your heartfelt work!  An article that might resonate from a previous post.  Karen

Last edited by Karen Clemmer
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