YouTube and Twitter are usually prime places for youngsters to mock ministers, whip up dissent and do battle with the government. So why have a range of social media's brightest stars just joined forces with it?
Charlie McDonnell, Jamal Edwards, Mandem on the Wall and Twist and Pulse (who have many millions of impressionable subscribers between them) have each produced their own video on the subject of sexual consent and abuse within relationships. It is a new phase of the Home Office's This Is Abuse campaign, this time specifically targeting male teenagers online to prevent domestic violence in adulthood.
The project sits against a backdrop of quite astonishing levels of abuse – and ignorance – among British children. A third of girls and 16 per cent of boys have experienced sexual violence from a boyfriend or girlfriend, according to the NSPCC, and when it comes to emotional violence from a partner, three quarters of girls and half of boys have been victims.
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