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I'm looking to take a trauma training.

Hello, I'm new here, and happy to find such a great site. I do mindfulness based coaching and training and will be delivering trainings on stress management and well being enhancement for a California police department in May. They've asked for a component on Trauma Informed Care for their officers and I'm looking for a relevant trauma training for my own education - for which I'm willing to travel. If you know of any upcoming trainings, including to train the trainer, I'd much appreciate hearing. Thank you, and be well  

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I am dually certified as a trauma professional by Florida State University and the International Association of Trauma Professionals, and and am a member of the PACEs Connection's Speakers and Trainers Bureau.  I have built my career in the human services field, with a focus on criminal justice systems and family services policy.  I currently am the policy manager for the Vermont Department of Corrections, where we are bringing a trauma-informed lens to everything we do.

I offer standard and customized trainings in trauma-informed care, education, and policing, such as this one endorsed by Morris County Sheriff James Gannon.  If you are interested to talk through possibilities, please feel free to contact me at

Hello Peter,

I doing trainings entitled "How Being Trauma Informed Improves Criminal Justice Response" for correctional treatment specialists, social workers and probation/parole agents. It is a training created through SAMHSA's GAINS center for law enforcement and correctional officers. Let me know if you want to learn more. We rotate doing this training in person and virtually. Let me know if you want to learn more.


Hi Peter - Wow so glad to hear that police are investing in this training! has a two-session online series - Reimagining Resilience. it covers the basics of trauma, learning self-regulation skills (for adults) and tools to use when working with youth - and the tools are applicable in any setting - we do a lot of work with educators and have offered the training for all types of public service roles. The first session is being offered again March 14 and we are currently offering 50% off the fee - its a huge bargain for this content! Use SPRINGDEAL at check out and register here -

There is also a second workshop that goes more into building relationships with those experiencing trauma while still maintaining boundaries. Reimagining Resilience 2: Developing Firmness Tools. The next one starts April 11-

Best to you! If you need any further info please let me know -

Hi Peter,  I support people with disabilities, and people who have experienced extensive trauma.  I could certainly walk you through the basic info, and give you examples of some of the concerns I have encountered both as someone watching others encounter trauma, and the secondary stress experienced by officers.  It would have to be done through zoom if that would work for you.

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