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I'm spitting mad ... no room to be silent on this ...


Sooooo....where oh where to begin? I don't usually speak much on politically divisive topics, but when I see a news headline like this...

21 South Carolina GOP Lawmakers Propose Death Penalty for Women Who Have Abortions

... I really just can't remain silent.

Now, if you're pro-life, before you quick hit the unsubscribe button - hear me out.

The assault on women continues to escalate, and during this month -- Child Abuse Prevention Month -- we have to take a moment to understand how this is all connected.

Child s*xual abuse doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens when a society repeated, dedicatedly says, "Women, we do not value you. We will not protect you. We will punish you if you don't do what we say. Your body is not your own."

Make no mistake about it, when those supporting and representing patriarchy lash out in these big ways, make these kind of moves - they are scared of losing the power and control.

Women, we are not lesser. We have sway and influence and power.

Even Pharrell knows "women are the essential power of life" (gets good at 1:00):

Regardless of your personal views on abortion, we as women must be on alert, we must face the truth that those who wish to harm, control, diminish us will not go quietly.

They will pull out all the stops.

And hear me loud and clear: The psychology that drives these attacks on women's bodies (and also the bodies of trans, BIPOC, Jewish people) ALSO drives the lack of legislation and prosecution of those who abuse children.

So, we must, regardless of personal ideology, face the truth that the more divided we are as women, the easier it will be to regulate our bodies, our opportunities, our families, our finances AND the epidemic that is childhood s*xual abuse will continue to receive only lip service and placation, because if those in office will not defend a woman's body, why the hell would you expect them to protect a child's?

So what do we do?

We fight.

We raise our voices.

We get empowered to protect ourselves and our children!

You can find Rob Harris's business and home phone number here (he authored this bill):

I suggest you call him and give him a piece of your mind. I know I will!

Spitting mad,

P.S. For my male survivors -- I see you. I know your pain. I know all of the ways in which your trauma is ignored and minimized - and that also is not okay. And in this particular moment, I have to speak to you as allies rather than survivors.

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Rachel, I am so with you and so spitting mad as well.  I can surly call Mistah Harris and give a piece of my angry mind on this.  The problem is, I'll just get back something like, "Idiot Dems; crazed Liberal; aggressive Progressive; stupid Socialist;  Wokeism spreader of lies; or any number of names.  These names serve to denigrate those of US who are trying to make things Better for all of US and for women.  This group, these leaders, these Party boys and girls use this to preserve the status quo of systemic racism and promote (put forward) policies that are an assault to equality, equity, and fairness.  We all need to ask ourselves WHO supports these assaults that compromise all of US.  We all need to really listen to WHO they support and WHAT they support and HOW they do things when we enter the VOTING box.

I say this, and then it happens over and over that these particular leaders get voted in (thank goodness for the votes in Wisconsin and Chicago yesterday!!!).  Yet, look what happened in the last election.  Folks vote in a liar and a person who misrepresented himself and although the Republican Jewish Coalition (how that's a thing really amazes me!) denounced him.  The head of that coalition stated that he should, "remain in the Senate because it is a place holder for the Republicans".  And so it goes and no one can do anything about that and this insanity goes on and on. 

Mad?  I am stock raving mad at how these people, this Party, keeps getting a foothold in this Country and forces all of US to adopt their values and their beliefs onto all of US! 

Maybe folks will one day take heed to the lunacy of these leaders and those boys and girls supporting this Party's agenda and VOTE responsibly?  Maybe if we all start listening to what they say and what they do we can VOTE for those who speak about: CARE (for all of US); FAIRNESS (for a better life); EQUALITY (for ALL); EQUITY (for the marginalized among US) ; and PROTECTION FROM HARM (ban automatic assault weapons and support Roe v. Wade).

As it looks now, SCOTUS isn't going to do that.  Look who takes up all the breathing room in that court room spewing their Party values and beliefs of: LOYALTY (to their agenda and each other like keeping a liar and a charlatan in office for a 'place holder', etc...); PATRIOTISM (their brand of it, and readings from the Constitution that uphold their agenda, beliefs, and values, etc...); RESPECT TO AUTHORITY (who they deem is the authority on matters, people kill people not guns, etc...); and MORAL PURITY (what keeps systemic racism operational in this Country, death penalties to women seeking abortion, and has given the green light to groups like the Proud Boys, etc...)!...

Yup, we have got some work to do in this Country if we want a better way of life! It's really alarming that we actually have to fight for that! 

👏👏👏👏 thank you. I must join you. I’m tired of being told I’m negative, because the absurd and relentless assault on our rights and our bodies for the continued benefit and fantasies of a monied and empowered old guard minority of (mostly) men of agenda and privilege.

We must speak up. We must say NO. We must remember our history and how the gains that were made on our behalfâ€Ķ were made and won. And we must, like them, pay it forward.

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