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I Trust You Movement


I often ponder what the ACEs Science, Trauma-Informed Care, Resiliency movement means. You can see why with the lack of certainty of exactly what it is called. It wasn't until a few weeks ago when I met Virginia Salas Kastilio, the founder of the "I Trust You Movement" that I realized what we are working towards. Sitting next to a longtime friend from Arizona over Korean BBQ in Koreatown in Los Angeles, she showed me a video (attached) of strangers blindly (literally and figuratively) connecting on the streets of cities all over the world. Tears came to my eyes. THIS is what we are about- connecting, loving no matter the pain or struggle people have experienced. I thought to myself, "I have to share this!"

Virginia is the number 1 Snapchat consultant in the world and travels around teaching organizations and individuals how to best utilize the platform to improve their outcomes. She is so much more than a techie. Her contagious open energy has created a space where love and connection can happen without condition. "We bring people together, one hug at a time, " she explains. She is a motivated trilingual millennial who has lived all over and who seems to be choosing to live her life in a way that makes the world better for all of us.

How does The I Trust You Movement work? Well first, you sign up on and after acknowledging that you understand the foundation of the movement, you will be accepted. You can become an ambassador for the movement and you will be encouraged to offer others the opportunity to connect through a hug by donning your very own "I Trust You" shirt.

I encourage you all to check out her work and to take the leap yourself. If we want this world to be a more compassionate and resilient place, we must do our own work and BE THE CHANGE.

My shirts are on their way to me as I type!

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Become an Ambassador on the website:


Videos (1)
Welcome to the I Trust You Movement

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