Last week, Dave Davies, sitting in for Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air, interviewed journalist David Morris who, while embedded with troops in Iraq, witnessed horrific violence, injury and death and was nearly killed when a vehicle he was riding in ran over a roadside bomb. Ironically, Morris served in the marines in the 1990's but never saw combat. Morris now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of what he experienced.
Davies writes: "When Morris returned to the states, he began researching PTSD and how it's affected not just combat veterans, but rape victims and survivors of other trauma, including natural disasters... His new book, "The Evil Hours," is an exploration of the history and science of PTSD, as well as an account of his own experience and treatment. When I spoke to David Morris, he began with a reading in which he reflects on the nature of trauma." Listen to the full interview here.
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